Safety Pledge: COURAGE TO CARE

We, the undersigned, pledge our commitment to fostering a culture of safety, founded on the principles of courage, compassion, and responsibility. In recognition of the inherent value of every individual, we embrace the following ideals:

Commitment: We pledge to prioritize safety above all else, dedicating ourselves to the well-being of our community and environment.

Openness: We vow to maintain open communication channels, encouraging the sharing of concerns, ideas, and innovations to continually enhance safety practices.

Unity: We stand together as a cohesive team, recognizing that safety is a collective responsibility that requires collaboration and support from every member.

Resilience: In the face of challenges and setbacks, we pledge to remain steadfast and resilient, learning from experiences to strengthen our commitment to safety.

Awareness: We commit to cultivating a heightened awareness of potential hazards and risks, proactively identifying and addressing them to prevent harm.

Guardianship: We accept the role of guardians of safety, advocating for the well-being of ourselves, our colleagues, and our community through proactive measures and interventions.

Empathy: We pledge to approach safety with empathy and compassion, understanding that each individual’s well-being is paramount and worthy of our care and consideration.

Transparency: We promise to uphold transparency in all safety-related matters, providing clear information and fostering an environment of trust and accountability.

Ownership: We take ownership of our actions and their impact on safety, holding ourselves and each other accountable for upholding the highest standards of care.

Commitment to Continuous Improvement: We recognize that safety is an ongoing journey, and pledge to continuously seek out opportunities for improvement, embracing innovation and learning from both successes and challenges.

Action: We vow to translate our commitment to safety into tangible action, taking proactive steps to prevent accidents, mitigate risks, and promote a culture of care and vigilance.

Respect: We pledge to treat every individual with respect and dignity, valuing their perspectives and contributions to our collective safety journey.

Empowerment: We commit to empowering every member of our community with the knowledge, resources, and support necessary to prioritize safety in all aspects of their lives.

In signing this pledge, we affirm our unwavering commitment to the principles of safety, guided by the COURAGE TO CARE, and vow to uphold these ideals in all our endeavors.